Monday, 3 April 2017

My New blogging plan!

So i mentioned in an earlier post that i had written down loads of new ideas on what i wanted to include in my blog and that it needed sorting out with more detail and review dates etc!. WELL i did it!, i finally got chance on Sunday while the girls were busy playing, to sort trough all the ideas i had, i got my new book and sorted it into sections, blog, YouTube and beauty recommended (will explain about this more in a separate post), i then bullet pointed my ideas, wrote in detail what they were, then wrote release dates/when i wanted to start the content. 

5 PAGES LATER!!, Its finally sorted and written down, i have all my dates and i am so excited to let you know that i will be posting my first fitness section on Saturday the 8th April. This will be a weekly post about my fitness regime at the gym, how I've eaten, products i use e.g. shakes, Pre-workout and i may add a meal and smoothie recipe each week. I will also post fitness challenges that i undertake so you can join in with me and will share pictures of products, meals and exercise plans.

I hope you will like it i am looking forward to it and i may even let you in on how much i  have lost!

As for my other blog ideas their is certainly a lot more in the pipeline, i am actually getting organised and it feels so good.

So this post is short and sweet but i hope you will come and join me on my fitness journey on Saturday 8th April 👍😊

Chezney 💓💓💓

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