Monday, 17 October 2016


Had an amazing time celebrating my friends birthday on the weekend, ended up going to a town I've never been to before but it was so good!
Pre-drinks at a friends before we went, shots the lot!! then all bundled into a mini bus where we sang at the tops of our voices, did crazy dancing and passed round a bottle of jagermeister ha ha.

Now i had t down a lot of drinks and get my friend to help me as everyone wanted to move on and i still had a full drink ha ha, the last place we ended u was a club that had had a V.I.P area booked into with drinks and stuff, the whole night was amazing great laugh with my friend and partner and alcohol and dancing what more do you need?
oh yeah cheesy chips to top off the night ha ha

i was surprised that my hangover the next day didn't last long, but the Sunday dinner my mum made me had to be saved because it was massive!!, i managed about a quarter of it then took the rest home to eat later, was well and truly defeated and would you be with one of this size ha ha

once when i had a bad hangover i googled hangover cures (as you do) and i read lemon and lime is good to cure it so this was my drink for the day, it did actually help ha ha.

 Now i have it all to do this weekend to celebrate my birthday i honestly cant wait, visiting a new town, a new bar and doing it with fab friends. I will let you know how it goes ha ha 

love chezney xx

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